Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ragnarok Figure Collection

I have started my Norse themed set of figures organized as a chess set. The planned models are as follow and noted with not complete or completed. Pictures of new things will be on Flickr as I finish them.

Valhalla / Einherjar / Mortals versus Loki's Children /Jötunn / Hel's People

King; Herald of Odin(NC), Son of Ymir (Frost Giant, Completed).

Queen; Valkyrie (NC), Maiden of Hel (NC).

Bishop; Wanderer/Seeress (1/2), Jormundgand Serpent (1/2).

Knight; Rider (Unsure) on Sleipnir foals/colts, (six legs as opposed to, what, eighteen?), Fenrir Wolf Pup, pup being relative(NC).

Rook; Einherjar (deceased heroes and warriors taken to Valhalla, 1/2)), Trolls, (1/2).

Pawns will be simply Runestones. I've already made a few for practice and one is completely finished.

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